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Luxury Travel Guide Awards 2017
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The marina in United States in the city of Burlington available to its customers. .

In addition to coming by boat, you can also reach the marina by air, given the short distance between the marina and the nearest airport.

Fact Sheet and Position

Address: 1 College StreetBurlington, Vermont. 5401 US
Radio channel: 9
Moorings: 100 moorings
Latitude:: 44° 28.83' N     Longitude:: 73° 13.44' W
Draught max: 5.00 meters     Length max: 9.00 meters

The most recent comments about Burlington Comm Boathouse

Hi Eric, Please send us the details of your boat (length, width and depth) the dates and the port where you want to make the reservation, as well as a mail or contact number to send the budget. Our mail: or by calling (+34) 902 091 582 Thank you!


Information on what a person with a boat of less than 10 meters does if visiting your marina for the day should do to rent a transient slip would be appreciated.


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